Citrus Heights Little League P.O. Box 834 Citrus Heights, CA 95611   

 LIABILITY WAIVER - COVID-19 – 2021 SEASON     On behalf of myself and my son, daughter, or person for whom I serve as legal guardian (the “Participant”), I understand that Citrus Heights Little League requires the following safety protocols that have been developed jointly by Citrus Heights Little League, the City of Citrus Heights, and San Juan School District and with the written approval of the Sacramento County Public Health Director. I acknowledge that I have read and understand these protocols and I agree that I will strictly comply with them at all times. I understand that any failure to comply will result in a loss of ability to participate in Citrus Heights Little League and a loss of access to fields in the City of Citrus Heights. Agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this document is required to participate in Citrus Heights Little League as of July 1st, 2020.   PRIOR TO PRACTICE  Please follow the direction of state and local officials. Have players conduct daily self-evaluation assessments prior to attending practice. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with someone experiencing symptoms must stay home. Please communicate with all team members leading up to your first practice all the COVID preventative measures. Please sanitize dugout benches, common area, and any equipment being used during practice (bow nets, buckets).  Please ask all coaches should sanitize their hands after wiping down all surfaces.   DURING PRACTICE Please follow the direction of state and local officials. Upon arrival, players should sanitize their hands. Upon arrival, parents or spectators should sanitize their hands. Parents and spectators should be kept as minimal as possible and must maintain social distancing of 6 feet from any non-household member or wear a mask. Equipment bags should be hung up or placed on the ground at least 6 feet apart. Please do not share equipment including bats, helmets, training tools, etc. Ball are ok! Please do not share water bottles or coolers. Players should maintain social distancing of 6 feet whenever possible. Players should refrain from any sort of congratulatory touching including hugs, high fives, etc.   AFTER PRACTICE Please follow the direction of state and local officials. Players should sanitize their hands. Parents or spectators should sanitize their hands. Coaches should sanitize their hands. Please sanitize dugout benches, common areas, and any equipment used during practice (bow nets, buckets etc.).     Citrus Heights Little League Miscellaneous Guidelines We encourage our families to limit the number of people at our fields for Practices and Games (when Available) unless otherwise directed to do so by Sac County Health Department. Keeping our numbers low at the fields while help to keep the spread of COVID-19 under control.   Carpools are not permitted other than by members of the same family living in the same household. All players must arrive by parent or guardian.   All players and coaches are encouraged to take their temperature before leaving for any practice and will be instructed that they are not permitted to attend if their temperature is over 100.4 degrees. Also, each player and coach who plans on the attending any practice/game must conduct the At-Home Health COVID Checklist before arriving at any field.   All players and coaches will be instructed to stay home if they have any symptoms of illness including, but not limited to: temperature, cough, sore throat, sneezing, body aches, loss of sense of smell, difficulty breathing, or fatigue.   There will be no shared equipment. There are no exceptions to this rule. Players must bring their own bat, glove, helmet, batting gloves, or any other equipment. No such equipment may be used by multiple players. Players should purchase their own helmets and bats.   All coaches should bring hand sanitizer or wipes to practice if possible and make them available before and after practice.   Players and coaches should shower and change clothes promptly after returning from practice.   No catchers may be used unless they are (a) wearing their own personally owned catcher’s gear; and (b) using their own personal glove. No shared use of catcher’s gear or gloves is allowed.   No handshakes, fist bumps, elbow bumps, or contact of any kind is allowed at any time. No spitting and sunflower seeds are permitted for the 2020 season unless otherwise directed by Citrus Heights Little League.   Players should be kept 6 feet apart, including in dugouts. Dugouts may not be used by entire teams. If teams desire to have players sit, players should be instructed to bring their own chairs and chairs should be spread out behind dugouts, outside of the fence, a minimum of 6 feet apart.   Players are not permitted to gather or huddle around any baseball field or field facility. All other players should be elsewhere on the field, at least 6 feet apart.   All practices are strictly limited to 90 minutes. Activity or gatherings of any kid before or after practice or “extra” practice time are prohibited. There is no loitering at the field before or after practice. The team manager should arrive early to assure that all protocols are followed and should not leave until all players have been picked up.   Non-baseball gatherings at the fields are strictly prohibited. There are no snacks after practice, gatherings, or celebrations of any kind. No food should be brought to practice and players should not share water bottles or other drinks at any time.   Face covering are strongly recommended by Citrus Heights Little League, but not required. Citrus Heights Little League will conduct their 2020 Season at this time with the goals of achieving a socially distant physical fitness program. If any player or Coach needs to work within 6 feet of each other, then a personal protective mask must be worn at that time.   I acknowledge that participation in Citrus Heights Little League practice activities at this time is intended to provide a safe, socially distant physical fitness activity for players, allowing parents to focus on working at home, providing essential services, or contributing to essential businesses or activity and represent that I meet such criteria.   I understand baseball is a physical sport and participation in Citrus Heights Little League or any baseball program has inherent risks that cannot be eliminated and that there is inherent risk of potential exposure to infectious diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19/Coronavirus that cannot be eliminated. On behalf of myself, the Participant, my family, personal representatives, assigns and insurers, I now and forever release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Citrus Heights Little League, each member of its Board of Directors, each manager and coach, each umpire, the City of Citrus Heights, San Juan School District, and Sacramento County (collectively the “LLL Parties”) from and of any and all claims, debts, liabilities, actions and causes of action whatsoever, of every nature, character and description, known, unknown, discovered, undiscovered, suspected or unsuspected (collectively “Claims”) including, but not limited to, all Claims arising out of or in any way related to Citrus Heights Little League, any LLL Party’s negligence, any emergency medical care administered, any concussion related injuries, any illness or infection or disease or injury or death, any pandemic or public health situation, any COVID-19 or Coronavirus related health issue or exposure, any change in these protocols or new protocols, Participant’s participation in Citrus Heights Little League’s program, and the effectiveness of the electronic signature below. I expressly waive all rights under California Civil Code Section 1542 which provides:   “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor.”   I represent that I have authority to agree to all terms herein on behalf of the Participant. Further, I agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify each of the LLL Parties from and against any and all Claims (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of, or in any way related to Participant’s participation in Citrus Heights Little League, any negligence of myself or Participant, any illness or infection or disease or injury or death, any pandemic or public health situation, any COVID-19 or Coronavirus related health issue or exposure, or my right to agree to any terms herein on behalf of the Participant. In case of emergency, I authorize Participant to be treated by emergency personnel (e.g. EMT, First Responder, E.R. Physician).     

 Player(s) Name: _________________________________________________________ 

 -Please list all that Apply   

 Print: ___________________ ___Signature: ___________________Date: _________ 

 Parent or Guardian(s) Name   

 Print: ___________________ ___Signature: ___________________Date: _________ 

 Parent or Guardian(s) Name   

 Print: ___________________ ___Signature: ___________________Date: _________ 

 Parent or Guardian(s) Name   

 Print: ___________________ ___Signature: ___________________Date: _________ 

 Parent or Guardian(s) Name   

 Print: ___________________ ___Signature: ___________________Date: _________ 

 Parent or Guardian(s) Name