What are the various divisions? In which division will my child play?
CLICK HERE for a comprehensive description of each division.
CLICK HERE for the current “League Age” chart. ("League Age" is different than a players true age).
What are Drafts and Evaluations?
For all players in the FARM division and above (league age 7-8 and above), Little League requires an assessment of each player, during the Spring season, to ensure they are placed in the proper division based on their skill and abilities. Please check our website and for watch for emails to see when Citrus Heights Little League will hold Evaluations (typically in January).
IMPORTANT: All players must attend at least one of the two scheduled Evaluations, but are strongly encouraged to attend both. Players that do not attend Evaluations are not draftable, and are subject to a wait list.
For the Minor division and above (Leage Age 9, 10 and 11s), drafts are created to distribute the more talented and experienced players evenly among the teams and to ensure each player is placed into a suitable division. Each Manager is allowed to Draft their team but must follow our Constitution and Standing Rules. Tee Ball and Rookie Divisions are formed by the Player Agent, VP of Divisions and Vice President. Special Requests are given highest priority and players can request to play with their favorite friend or coach. But there is no guarantee. The Player Agent, VP of DIvisions and Vice President will try to accommodate all requests but they also have to spread out the talent so we can have a balanced season.
PLEASE NOTE: To be eligible for All-Stars; players must attend and play in 60% of their team's regularly-scheduled games.
Any player who wishes to be placed in a division other than what their league age requires (higher or lower), may request to be assessed by sending an e-mail to the league Player Agent at PlayerAgent@CitrusHeightsLL.com
How do I become a Manager (Head Coach)?
If you are interested in being a Manager (Head Coach), please enroll yourself as a volunteer through our registration page, complete our Manager/Coach Application and submit your completed application to our Coaching Coordinator for review at Coaches@CitrusHeightsLL.com
Please Note: All Managers must clear a background check and review/sign our Coaches Code of Conduct.
How do I become an Assistant Coach?
Assistant coach positions are not assigned until after rosters are released. All Assistant coaches must be nominated by the team manager and submitted to CHLL for approval.
If you are interested in being an Assistant Coach, please notify the team Manager, enroll yourself as an Assistant Coach through our registration page, complete our Manager/Coach Application and submit your completed application to our Coaching Coordinator for review at Coaches@CitrusHeightsLL.com
Please Note: All Managers must clear they background check and review/sign our Coaches Code of Conduct.