If I have an issue, who should I contact to resolve it?
Citrus Heights Little League is operated exclusively by volunteers, so it is important to resolve issues at the lowest level possible. Parents should always take any issues to their team's Manager. However, if the issue involves the team Manager, you may elevate the issue to the VP of Divisions at VPDivisions@CitrusHeightsLL.com
How do I become even more involved with the league?
Citrus Heights Little League is always looking for compassionate, patient, and enthusiastic members to join our Board of Directors! It’s a lot of work, but well worth the time and energy you put in! We also have committees you can join, for those who would like to help but cannot commit to a Board position. Click here for a description of the duties and responsibilities of each position and/or reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com for more information and positions available.
Does Citrus Heights Little League have a confidentiality policy?
YES. Board members and other volunteers may obtain or come into contact with sensitive and personal information about other members of the CHLL community. All members of League are required to maintain confidentiality of the information; to use such information only for its intended purpose, to disseminate when required for official purposes only, and to shred, delete, or securely dispose of such information when it is no longer needed, typically at the end of each season.
I am a vendor interested in soliciting Citrus Heights Little League. How do I approach the league?
Please e-mail the leagues Public Relations Officer at PublicRelations@CitrusHeightsLL.com with your contact information and services provided. We will contact you to schedule a meeting to present your services to the Board of Directors.