How do I become a Volunteer?
There are 4 steps that MUST be completed in order to Volunteer for CHLL. We know this can be a pain, but it is really a very easy process, and it is done so that we can assure you that your players are safe.
Step 1: Complete a NEW “Volunteer Application” each Spring
All volunteers (including the Board of Directors) must submit a new “volunteer application” before the start of each spring season. Click Here for the current “Volunteer Application” or click on our “downloads” page. ***Please do NOT include your SSN on the application; CHLL does NOT need it***
Step 2: Submit the “Volunteers Application”
Please submit your completed volunteer form (make sure to provide an email address and sign the application), along with a copy of a valid ID, to Forms@CitrusHeightsLL.com
Step 3: Complete the Background Check via Secured Email Link
Once we’ve received your completed volunteer application, a secured link will be emailed to you. Please follow the prompts to complete your background check. You will only be notified if we need to discuss your background report. Safety Officer will be notified.
Step 4: Complete the Background Check via Secured Email Link
California recently made a new law/regulation, that all youth sports organizations MUST Live Scan their Volunteers. Even if you've complete this process recently for school, work, etc., it must be done specifically for CHLL.
Why Volunteer?
Citrus Heights Little League (CHLL) is run solely by volunteers. It is extremely important that all families are aware that they are expected to volunteer a minimum of approx.10 hours each season. There are many ways to complete your volunteer hours (snack bar, score keeping, helping with CHLL hosted events, etc.). Simply put; we cannot operate without you. Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com for any questions or concerns.
CHLL is an organization designed to teach our youth to be good citizens while using baseball as a tool. We’re a program of leadership, helping to prepare today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders; and we rely on our parents and families to help us teach them.
We’re always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate our events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. By reading further, you will discover that the benefits of volunteering are endless. You will also gain a better understanding of why you should become involved, who volunteers are, what you can do, and how you can sign up.
Who can Volunteer?
Anyone can apply to become a volunteer! Whatever talents or skills you have, we can use them! Volunteers are grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, retirees, community leaders, former Little Leaguers, friends, neighbors, and more. Any community member who wishes to become a volunteer may apply.
CHLL tries to obtain a “Buy-Out” list of volunteers for each season (a list of volunteers that you can pay to work your shift). However, often times there are very few people added to the list. It is the parents responsible to find coverage for their shifts.
To be added to the "Buy-Out" list as a worker please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator a Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com
As a parent/volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child's life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals. More often than not, baseball becomes a family affair!
On rare occasions, Little League, through District Administrators and your local Board of Directors, may deny individuals the privilege of volunteering for reasons, past or present, that may be detrimental to the positive development of young people, other volunteers, and/or Little League International. When you apply to become a volunteer, you give CHLL the right to conduct necessary background checks.
What can I do to Volunteer?
No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of our volunteer opportunities require little or no training at all. CHLL will provide you with any necessary training (as well as support and encouragement). The best volunteers are those who are able to bring added enjoyment to the game simply be being themselves. What you see during Little League games is a mere fraction of what you can do as a volunteer. You can volunteer to help in virtually any aspect of Little League Baseball. Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com to answer any questions you might have.
Volunteer Opportunities include (but are not limited to).........
- Manager (Head Coach)
- Assistant Coach
- Score Keeper
- Snack Bar Worker
- Umpire
- Junior Umpire
- Board Member
- Team Representative
- Event Worker
- Committee Member
***Please see the "Volunteer Street" tab for more information***
Background Checks for All Volunteers
CHLL takes child safety very seriously. For this reason, we partner with JDP to conduct nationwide background checks (through the U.S. Department of Justice) on all managers, coaches, team reps, umpires, snack bar helpers, board members and any other persons or volunteers who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. This is why we ask that at least one parent/guardian from each family submit a completed volunteer application before the season starts. Little League International requires that all volunteers complete and submit a new background check each calendar year. Anyone refusing to submit a volunteer application is ineligible to be a league volunteer.
Social Security Number and other required documents for background checks....
For all volunteers, a Social Security number is required. We do NOT need your SSN provided on the volunteer application itself. A secured email link will be sent to you to complete your background check, once you’ve submitted your application. Additionally, a copy of a valid government-issued photo identification card, such as a driver’s license, must be submitted with the volunteer form. The league Safety Officer is responsible for retaining these confidential forms for the current year of service only.
How much will the Background Check cost me?
Volunteers must pay for their Live Scan, we're working on finding a company that will give Non-Profits a discount. We do not have a proce at this time.
All background checks go through JDP, and are paid for by Citrus Heights Little League.