How much are the registration fees?
Registration fees vary based on the division your child will play. An early-bird discount is also available for a limited time once registration opens! Please keep an eye out for updates on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages!
Does Citrus Heights Little League offer sibling discounts?
YES. There is a $25 discount for each sibling registered after the first player
Does Citrus Heights Little League allow late registration or have a waiting list?
YES. Players who complete registration after registration has officially closed, will be placed on a waiting list. We will notify you once your player is placed on a team, or in rare cases – if we are unable to place them on a team.
If my child does not get placed on a team from the waiting list, will I get a refund?
YES. Your registration fee will be refunded if you register late, your child was placed on a waiting list, and your child could not be assigned to a team.
Can I get a refund once the season starts?
NO. Once the season starts, we have already paid out fees to the necessary parties. Such as player insurance, field permits, Little League fees, uniforms, etc. These fees cannot be reimbursed. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our Treasurer at Treasurer@CitrusHeightsLL.com
Can I request a certain coach or teammate?
You will be given the opportunity to make special requests during registration of your child. While we are able to accommodate the majority of special requests, we cannot guarantee all requests will be granted.
PLEASE NOTE: Minor Divisions and above; teams are drafted by Managers and we cannot place players with specific coaches or teammates (siblings are the only exception).
What is my child's "league age"?
A child’s “league age” is different than their true age. Please check your child's “league age”, via the current Little League International age chart HERE.
What does the registration fee include and what equipment will I need to purchase for my child?
Your registration fee is applied toward team equipment (such as batter’s helmets, catcher’s gear, bats, balls, tees, pitching machines, etc.), parks/field permit use fees, field maintenance, insurance premiums, charter fees, volunteer background checks, player uniforms, and other expenses.
The uniforms, which are property of Citrus Heights Little League and may not be altered, also include a hat, jersey, socks and belt. You are responsible for the pants, cups (males only), and cleats. You are also responsible for your child's glove. Please wait before purchasing certain items, such as pants, until your child has been assigned to a team and uniform colors are determined. Although not required, many families will purchase a batter's helmet, bat, and batter's gloves at their own expense.
PLEASE NOTE: During COVID, players are not allowed to share any equipment.
Does my child have to reside or go to School within Citrus Heights Little League's geographical boundary?
YES. A player must reside or go to school within our boundaries.
Please see the CHLL Boundary Map to confirm whether your child resides within our geographical boundary and is eligible to play in our league. Your child is also eligible if he/she is currently enrolled in a school within our boundary.
PLEASE NOTE: School Enrollment is the EASIEST route to clear this requirement.
If your child does not reside or attend a school within CHLL's boundary, please CLICK HERE to determine the appropriate league for your child. Or you can contact our Player Agent at PlayerAgent@CitrusHeightsLL.com for information on how to apply for a waiver to play with CHLL.
Required Registration Documents (click on document name for Hyperlink):