Citrus Heights Little League
P.O. Box 834
Citrus Heights, CA 95611
PRIOR TO PRACTICE - Please follow the direction of state and local officials.
Have players conduct daily self-evaluation assessments prior to attending practice. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with someone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
Please communicate with all team members leading up to your first practice all the COVID preventative measures.
Please sanitize dugout benches, common area, and any equipment being used during practice (bow nets, buckets).
Please ask all coaches should sanitize their hands after wiping down all surfaces.
DURING PRACTICE - Please follow the direction of state and local officials.
Upon arrival, players should sanitize their hands.
Upon arrival, parents or spectators should sanitize their hands.
Parents and spectators should be kept as minimal as possible and must maintain social distancing of 6 feet from any non-household member or wear a mask.
Equipment bags should be hung up or placed on the ground at least 6 feet apart.
Please do not share equipment including bats, helmets, training tools, etc. Ball are ok!
Please do not share water bottles or coolers.
Players should maintain social distancing of 6 feet whenever possible.
Players should refrain from any sort of congratulatory touching including hugs, high fives, etc.
AFTER PRACTICE - Please follow the direction of state and local officials.
Players should sanitize their hands.
Parents or spectators should sanitize their hands.
Coaches should sanitize their hands.
Please sanitize dugout benches, common areas, and any equipment used during practice (bow nets, buckets etc.).
Please instruct participants exhibiting symptoms to stay home.
Please avoid using drinking fountains in the park.
Use local guidelines for frequency of bathroom cleaning.
Provide easy access to handwashing stations or hand sanitizer.
Recommend placing caution tape around the bleachers so they can be used for players. The bleachers can be used as an extension of the dugout.
Recommend the use of bleachers to accommodate player social distancing as an extension of the dugout.
Recommended to wear mask and gloves when in contact with spectators, coaches or participants.
Recommend Posting COVID -19 signage around the snack bar and ball fields.
Recommend League Officials work with all teams to sanitize dugouts in between each team turnover.
Recommend League Officials sanitize all high traffic areas on a regular basis around the ball fields.
Should be aware of local restrictions of out of town teams.
Please instruct spectators to bring their own chairs and to sit along the out-of-play lines or outfield. Ask spectators not to sit on the bleachers or behind the backstop.
Please modified game and practice schedules to minimize the amount of time spent in the park.
Please work with Park District to ensure your league is meeting any and all standards as specified by the county and state officials.
Ask coaches to conduct daily self-evaluation assessments. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with somebody experiencing symptoms must stay home.
Please ensure players, coaches and team’s spectators are following COVID-19 prevention measures.
Encouraged to wear masks. Not required. Masks must be neutral and non-distracting if worn during games.
Please recommend coaches bring and frequently use hand sanitizer.
Coach to umpire or player interaction must be at least 6 feet apart.
Players and coaches must refrain from celebratory physical contact with each other or opponents on the and off the field of play. This should include no post-game handshakes. Be responsible for ensuring the dugout is cleaned and sanitized upon arrival and exiting from the dugout.
Upon completion of game or practices teams must quickly remove themselves from the park.
Please ask parents to conduct daily evaluation assessments of their child. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with somebody experiencing symptoms must stay home. Please encourage wearing masks between games. Not required. Must be neutral and non-distancing if worn during games and practices.
While in dugout, any participant must maintain 6 feet social distancing or wear a mask.
Please recommend parents bring and frequently use hand sanitizer.
Coach to player interaction must be at least 6 feet apart.
Equipment bags should be hung up or placed on the ground at least 6 feet apart. Recommend no sharing of equipment including bats, helmets, training tools, etc. Balls are ok.
Players should not share water bottles or coolers.
Players are encouraged to refrain from any sort of congratulatory touching including hugs, high fives, etc.
Should conduct daily self-evaluation assessments. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with somebody experiencing symptoms must stay home.
Parents and spectators should be kept as minimal as possible and must maintain social distancing of 6 feet from any non-household member.
Recommend all spectators to bring their own chairs and sit along the out-of-play lines or outfield. No spectator in the bleacher areas or behind the backstop. Encourage to wear masks.
Spectators should wait for their team’s games or practices to begin before entering the park and should immediately exit upon conclusion.
Should conduct daily self-evaluation assessments. Anybody experiencing symptoms or living with somebody experiencing symptoms must stay home.
Should follow the direction of the COVID rule and mechanic procedures handed out from the assignor.
Use verbal exchange of lineup changes from safe distance from coach and to opposing team. No players should be allowed to participate in pre-game meeting. Only umpires and one coach per team.
Maintain 6 feet from any player as a starting position.
Should not handle equipment on the field during play.
Umpire to coach interaction must be at least 6 feet while brushing off the plate.