Volunteer Opportunities
Citrus Heights Little League is ran 100% by Volunteers, and is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. We rely on a devoted legion of parent volunteers to help ensure that our organization runs smoothly; requiring that each family volunteer approx. 10 hours per player, each season. Citrus Heights Little League is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have an interest in the safety of our kids, their well-being, and overall development as both children and players.
However, once your involved, you'll be hooked! Volunteering is one of the most rewarding tasks you can ever do, by getting involved with your Little League, your family will build lifetime bonds and friendships - creating your "Baseball Family".
Here are a few ways you can help......................
Being a manager or coach requires time, patience, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball. You will be required to attend meetings, instructional sessions, and/or seminars. You must communicate with your players parents/guardians to inform them of any schedule changes, rainouts, and Little League events and activities (Your Team Rep should help with all communication).
As a Manager or Coach, you have more interaction with the players than anyone else in the league. Therefore, it is important that you understand the goals and virtues of our Little League program in order to effectively communicate them to your players. To gain a better understanding of what those goals and virtues are, you can visit the Little League International or contact our Coaching Coordinator at Coaches@CitrusHeightsLL.com
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS (Field Maintenance):
Our league is required to maintain all of our fields, for all divisions of play. As a part of the B&G crew, your skills and abilities are used to help line the fields, rake dirt, mow grass and execute minor repairs on fences, benches and bleachers, etc.
We have 2 scheduled "Field Clean-up Days" each spring. These work days are extremely important as they allow us to provide a clean, well kept playing environment for your child. All families and players are strongly encouraged to participate in our "Field Clean-Up Days". Its helps to teach players how to properly care for the fields and is a great community service event! The more hands we have, the lighter the work load is for everyone.
Please watch for emails and posts on our Facebook page for the current seasons scheduled days. You can also check the league calendar posted our our website. Please reach out to one of our Buildings & Grounds Keepers listed below to see how you can help!
The Buildings & Grounds team can be reached at Grounds@CitrusHeightsLL.com
A list of current board members can be found on our "About Us page", under "Board of Directors". Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com if you have an interest in volunteering for one of these positions.
Umpires are always needed! While umpires are scheduled prior to games, field umpires are often determined minutes before the game begins. As you arrive at your child's game, your coach or the home plate umpire may ask you to be the field umpire. When you agree, your main responsibilities are to call plays on the bases, determine if balls are fair or foul, and assist the home plate umpire with other calls. Please reach out to our leagues Umpire-in-Chief at Umpires@CitrusHeightsLL.com for more information on how you can help!
The Snack Bar is our main source of funds coming into the league. It helps fund league events and supplies, playing equipment, field equipment, field maintenance supplies, tools, end of season tournament awards, fan fare, and much more.
While Team Reps and Managers work hard to create snack bar schedules for parents and guardians to work home game shifts, this is something where some families struggle to assist. It is extremely helpful to have a list of backup or "Buy-out" volunteers who can fill these spots when needed. This is the perfect opportunity for High School kids and/or young volunteers that need to complete community service/volunteer hours and make some extra cash! "Buy-out" workers are to be paid for all shift(s) that they cover, by the person scheduled to work that shift.
Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@CitrusHeightsLL.com or one of our Auxiliary Managers listed below for more information.
Auxiliary Managers:
Desiree Apgar - Desiree@CitrusHeightsLL.com
Summer King - Summer@CitrusHeightsLL.com